
Is technology more than electronics and cyberspace?

There is a lot of technology in all things earth, and nature. Some of our best technological advances are modeled after things in nature. Velcro is inspired by burrs, a Japanese bullet train was modeled after a kingfisher bird and there is a specific drone propeller modeled after a maple seed.  

For this post I am compelled to limit myself to the electronic element of technology. I love to connect at the biology level, so why not get engaged with electronic communication?

There is a saying that goes, “That which you resist, persists.” In his book, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield writes: “Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work…Resistance is always lying and always full of shit.” 


These words of wisdom appeal to my core value of simplicity. I certainly resist the digital world and all of it’s unfamiliar landscape. I’ve created all kinds of crazy thoughts, words and actions that unfold from that resistance. With the power of lies and sh*t talking, resistance creates some strange illusion around how I CAN’T do whatever I’m resisting, which is actually only a convenient excuse for CHOOSING not to do it. 

So here I am in front of my keyboard… choosing to embrace technology and share tips, tidbits and stories about earth and animals… In Joy, Michelle


Hawk’s Lunch


Moon Gazing